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Author Archive | Lewis Perdue
Details: Moving from Approved Protocol to Planning
The excitement built into the science of an approved study eventually has to give way to the operational details grunt work. I have been compiling possible candidates for collaborators and labs to conduct the blood/EDC/epigenetic/DNA break testing. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals […]
Chemical Touted In BPA-Free Products May Cause Heart Problem
Many “BPA-free” products have substituted an almost identical chemical to BPA that has its own health-causing effects. The substitute, bisphenol S (BPS) has the basic chemical structure as bisphenol A (BPA). Evidence is mounting that the use of BPS is a “bait and switch” scheme designed for promoting products instead of health. As a result, […]
Trust Glass, Not Plastic
You can trust glass, but you can’t trust plastic for water bottles, dishes or other uses. While a small percentage are safe, no reliable guide exists, thus damning all plastics that contacts anything you put in your body. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental […]
Rock-A-Bye Baby Gone Bad: The Dangers of Crib Mattresses
Anyone with experience raising a baby knows that they sleep a lot. Sure, they DON’T sleep a lot as well, leaving mom and dad often very sleep-deprived the next day. In the first three years of life, babies are known to sleep around 12-13 hours per day, compared with 8 hours (or less, for many […]
Tesla Terror: Can That New Car Smell Kill You? Or Someone Else?
By Lewis Perdue Article originally published in 2013. UPDATED with this link: Judge sentences man for fatal Tesla vs. bike collision, calls driver a ‘saint’, victim an ‘angel Driving with the windows down when you are tired may keep you awake in more ways than just the sounds and tactile effects of air currents. It […]
Don’t Let Hormone Disruptors Sabotage Your Fitness Program
NOTE: This article first appeared on our scientific site (with footnotes and citations) as How Hidden Chemicals Can Sabotage Your New Year’s Fitness Plans Hidden chemicals in your food and water can sabotage your fitness program and keep you from getting the most out of all that effort and sweat. While Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) […]
Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat Farmed Salmon
By Lewis Perdue Salmon is on a lot of plates when people resolve to make healthy changes in their diets. Many articles have emphasized the benefits of fatty fish, citing the heart-healthy benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and other micro-nutrients. Those benefits have been gradually narrowed down to salmon because other mild, oily-fleshed fish like […]
Silicone: Safer Than Plastic For Food & Cooking?
People are turning to other materials such as glass, metal and silicone to avoid most (92%) plastics that can contaminate food and beverages with chemicals that can disrupt natural hormones. While glass and metal are free of hormone disruptors, it’s important to realize that many metal water bottles and other products are lined with plastics […]