The Study

Author Archive | Lewis Perdue

Dosing of a Single Compound to Establish Causality in Dietary Interventions & Enable Clinically Valid Health Decisions

“Inconsistent and contradictory results from nutrition studies conducted by different investigators continue to emerge, in part because of the inherent variability of natural products, as well as the unknown and therefore uncontrolled variables in study populations and experimental designs.” — The Challenge of Reproducibility and Accuracy in Nutrition Research: Resources and Pitfalls This ad-free article […]

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Basic Scientific Lab Standards — Best Practices for a Replicable Dietary Intervention

NOTES: All of the best practices described below have been developed and hands-on tested in an actual dietary intervention study as feasible and minimally disruptive in a commercial-standard kitchen. The kitchen must be treated as a laboratory; a recipe is a protocol; foods are reagents; every item used in preparation and cooking is equipment and […]

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How Does the Food Chain Get Contaminated with Plastic-Derived Chemicals (PDCs)?

BPA & phthalates (and other plasticizers) migrate, leach, and flake from plastics BPA & phthalates migrate, leach and flake off of plastics primarily because they are not chemically bound to the plastic. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans: a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please […]

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The NOVA Classification

The NOVA classification, originally proposed in 2010, has been widely adopted to define a range of food preparation categories: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods Processed culinary ingredients Processed foods Ultra-processed foods This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans: a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please consider […]

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Why We Did Not Include Plant-based Milk Substitutes

Plant-based milk — while growing rapidly — represents only 15% of milk consumption (Nielsen data) and is therefore not yet part of the typical American diet. Even more importantly for this study, plant-based milk substitutes are ultra-processed, industrially synthesized products which involve substantial contact with plastic chemicals. This ad-free article is made possible by the […]

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Best Practices – Precise Measurements

While the ingredients in cooked dishes are measured in tens or hundreds of grams per portion, herbs and spices are usually called for in fractions of a gram. While no peer-reviewed data exists, it seems unlikely that studies can maintain reproducability if ordinary ingredients can be measured to a tolerance of +/- 5 grams and […]

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Why a Dormitory Setting is Needed for Replication and Valid Causal Conclusions in Dietary Intervention Studies

Non-food-exposures (NFEs) — including environmental conditions — are so numerous and variable that a precise replication of those is impractical and, perhaps, impossible. See: Reducing Non-Food Exposures in dietary intervention studies. Plastic contamination is also inescapable. Plastic micro-and nanoparticles —  as well as the chemical compounds used to produce the polymers — are ubiquitous in […]

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Indexing in Progress and Regularly Updated

Please be patient. A massive amount of information and photos on apparatus, food sourcing, preparation and other protocol-related data are being uploaded as swifty as possible given limited resources. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans: a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please consider making a tax-deductible […]

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