The Study

Why Is “Estrogenic Action” Important?

The term “estrogenic” refers to hormone disrupting chemicals like BPA and other chemicals from plastics, pesticides and other sources that can affect the health of both men and women in ways that are similar to estrogen.

The Endocrine Society ( — the world’s oldest and largest organization for doctors and medical researchers who study hormones,– has issued a massive study calling hormone disruptors a “significant concern to public health.”

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Most hormone disruptors exhibit estrogenic action.

That study, Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement, was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the European Commission and presented extensive data that found:

“… [E]vidence that endocrine disruptors have effects on:

  • male and female reproduction,
  • breast development and cancer,
  • prostate cancer,
  • neuroendocrinology,
  • thyroid,
  • metabolism and obesity, and
  • cardiovascular endocrinology.”

NOTE: The previous quote was initially a long single sentence and has been re-formatted here as bullet points for easier comprehension.

Estrogen In Men, Testosterone In Women?

Most people associate estrogen only with women because it plays such a striking role in sexual development, fertility, pregnancy and menopause.

However, estrogen exists in men’s bodies as well. In fact, women have levels of the male hormone, testosterone.

Testosterone is known as an androgen.

Both types of hormones and the balance between them play vital, no-sex-related roles that include:

  • metabolism regulation,
  • fat storage,
  • regulation of blood cholesterol levels,
  • bone growth,
  • maintenance of skin and blood vessels,
  • promoting wound healing.

Significantly, your body creates estrogen from testosterone and another androgen called androstenedione. In addition to being produced in ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate, estrogen is also produced in fat tissue, the liver, muscle and the brain.

Estrogen and androgens exist in extremely small concentrations: parts per billion (nano-concentrations). Good health depends on your body maintaining razor-sharp precision (and easily upset).

The balance of your body, the proper functioning of every organ and tissue are controlled by hormones.

Estrogenic Action = Chemicals Acting Like Estrogens

Many of the most common hormone disruptors like Bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, pesticides and flame retardants act like artificial estrogens. Scientists call these foreign estrogens, “xenoestrogens.”

Significantly, BPA and some other artificial estrogens can also counteract testosterone. Those are known as “androgen antagonists.”

Depending upon the mixture of artificial hormones in your body, the result can be an estrogen overdose or testosterone shortage. In addition, scientists have discovered that estrogenic action can also affect the proper genetic functioning of a cell in ways that may be temporary or can be inherited by future generations.

Upsetting The Hormone Balance Invites Disease

Healthy bodies have a very sensitive system for detecting and regulating estrogen, testosterone and other hormone levels. But artificial hormones can evade your body’s hormone regulation system and in doing cause or promote cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, infertility and more.

The Endocrine System

Hormones control your body and are produced by glands and other tissue. All of the hormones and the glands and tissues are known as the endocrine system. Doctors who work with endocrine disorders are endocrinologists.

Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) is the formal, scientific term for hormone disruptors.

Illustration below, from: Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement. The system as illustrate shows those parts of the body most commonly disrupted by EDCs. Not shown are the adrenal glands, bones and other hormone producers.